1)should i agree to be one of the speaker for debat piala pengarah kampus or keep in track as the head of organiser?
ok,IF (the buah kalu) i join in, i must attend extensive training in the night.
the effects:
1)i will live in absolute exhaustion to manage my time as i will be sitting for stats first test.of course, a test comes along with an extravagant preparation to pass it with an A.so..by attending the training,i would automatically neglect (a slight ignorance is still neglecting okay) my obligations which is my true priority.
besides,i need my bagpack along.i don't have a car and so it's hard to go back and forth from taman selasih to faculty.i used to it but i can't stand sharing a single bed with my other friend,tht's hers why should i sleep on it?menyusahkan lah amira ni. :(
2)i can acquire brand new skills as malay debater. well as previously i'm an ordinary english speaker, i never been into malay debating thingy..which is good and i tend to grab the 'own-prepared' medal n certs.haha..i'm not that good.i swear :D
but then again i need to sacrifice most of my time which is gila gila hard to decide.is it worth it or not.
ouww man,,,to make it easier i'm thinking of finding a replacement.this is similar to 'I AM NOT PARTICIPATING'
here comes the effort and i got two names.they're not yet replying my offer.
tomorrow is the day.IF no one is replying,i'll be taking the risk and yes i am participating.gulppp...*fainted*
regain concious!haha
i wonder how would my monday be?would it be a mesmerising monday or else monday madness i must say...
it's time to sleep.stop thinking.
i always believe two questions produce a confused man.
so stop asking me with yes/ no?or even no/ yes?
p/s:'kalu main buah kalu ketapi jadi colek' i still can't find the significance of that saying..hahaha...
good luck amira.i love you.peace out!