guten morgen!
hi hi's saturday and i've started my day with biology :) well the finals is coming near me.
last night i din't really had a sweet night,comfy sleep and was me got caffeinated.huhu..
i had pillow talk with my buddy.this buddy,we share the same birth-date.i'm clueless why he's so interested with angry birds till he wanna get one fer me.haha..but he asked sth in return (boooo!!!) :p
guess what could that be?
i think it's the oakley he wanted sooo badly..and and...
ADIDAS QUESTAR??HOOO..MY..GAWDDDD..this is killing me..i'm thinking of buying nike air max for me.sorry a man and grab it on your own..haha..
as part of our talk,he told me that he would prolly sponsor my 21st bday party.and yes definitely it would be his bday party as well..i wish him best of luck.may he gets the best offer and be a super employee ever!get high paid and poofff!!come to my bday party pals!!!hahaha..
the only thing in my head regarding the theme of that party:
be it..:
21x2 piece of cupcakes ;)
(hopefully it'll be well built in jb as been informed)
not to be forgotten..loads of presents from you.yes you all of you will be invited.hahaha..
i won't tell you more bc some might steal the ideas from me..huhh
whatever it is,i can't stop imagining that my alien-friend would come.that person will be the extra special guest of my come if you still wanna be part of my life.i'm YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!! matter how many martians came all the way.. :)
after the party we'll be watching MAN OF STEEL 2012..
meet the main man HENRY CAVILL..
and well tht's basically the flow of the party and i wonder would it be real or remain in the air..haha..
all of a sudden it appears vague in my mind...
i'm not even celebrating my 20th :D
-i still remember the day we watched Gulliver's travel together.i adore your sweater a lot!if you change the intact,it would be my pleasure-